Young Age

The most common skin care myths you shouldn't believe

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When it comes to your skin, it pays to develop a consistent skincare routine. Our skin is an amazing organ - it can stretch and contract, protect us from the elements and heal remarkably quickly. It plays an important role in how we look and feel. That's why it makes tremendous sense to take care of it and respect its needs.

Although our skin varies greatly in texture, tone and colour, the same basic skin care principles apply to everyone. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation on the internet and it is very easy to believe the most common myths about skin care. If you want your skin to stay youthful, beautiful and healthy, make sure you get skin care advice from a trusted source.

Don't believe these myths

There's a lot of interesting information on the internet, but there are often myths that you shouldn't believe. But which ones are they and how do you know they're not true? We at Young Age product lines have decided to make it easier for you and therefore bring you the most common skincare myths that you should definitely know. 

1. If you wash your face often, you won't get acne

The skin contains a natural oil known as sebum. Many people believe that it is the only cause of acne and that by washing it off frequently, you can avoid the appearance of this skin problem. Unfortunately, believing in this myth actually makes acne worse. Why is this so?

By washing your face too often, you are stripping your skin of its natural oils. This may sound like a good thing, but acne is affected by bacteria and clogged pores, not the oil itself. Plus, our skin needs to contain a certain amount of oil - it forms a protective barrier against moisture. Washing too often can aggravate and dry out the skin, or even encourage the body to produce more oil in response.

2. Sunscreen is only needed on hot sunny days

Ultraviolet (UV) rays also hit the Earth on cloudy days when there is little or no sunlight. It is important to use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, regardless of the weather. Keep in mind that using makeup that contains SPF is not enough to protect your skin. 

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You need to use a special sunscreen and reapply it often. Sun damage can lead to premature skin ageing, skin discolouration and even skin cancer, so make sure that sunscreen or a nutritional product containing active ingredients against UV pollution is part of your daily skin care routine.

3. Using hot water to wash your face will open the pores, thus achieving a deeper cleansing

Similar to washing your face too often, using hot water to cleanse your skin actually causes dryness. It can irritate the skin and certainly won't "open" the pores. After all, pores are always open and hot water doesn't wash away impurities better than warm or cold water.

Speaking of harsh cleansing, it's also important to be careful when using exfoliating products. It is a myth that you have to scrub and scrape to remove dead skin. Excessive cleansing with an exfoliating product can damage your skin. Prefer a light touch and use circular motions to gently exfoliate dead skin.

4. Make-up influences skin ageing

Quality makeup is usually made from ingredients that are gentle on the skin and don't clog pores. Makeup alone is unlikely to affect the rate at which your skin ages. Nevertheless, its use can contribute to facial aging.

Using low-quality products full of chemicals and other unpleasant ingredients, or neglecting to wash your face before bed, can increase the likelihood of premature skin aging. Make sure that at the end of each day, you completely remove your makeup using gentle cleansers so that your skin can breathe.

5. Moisturiser will aggravate oily skin

People with oily skin often have to deal with unwanted shine or acne. However, this doesn't mean that they should skip moisturizer if their skin is more oily. It's still important to maintain a healthy moisturizing barrierto protect you from the elements. 

Practical tip: If you have oilier skin, try using a lighter moisturizer that is not oil or cream based. These moisturizers will protect your skin without contributing to more oiliness and shine.

6. The right products can stop ageing

Aging is a natural process that progresses differently for each person. It is a myth that skin care products can stop the aging process completely. Some skin care products can help keep skin looking younger longer or help maintain the results of a professional skin treatment, but they can't stop aging forever.

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7. Natural ingredients are more effective than synthetic

When we talk about "synthetic" skin care, we are referring to products that contain laboratory and scientifically derived ingredients. And the natural ingredients contained in skin care are also scientifically tested. Many natural extracts used as cosmetic ingredients are available as solutions prepared in so-called carrier solvents such as propylene glycol, butylene glycol, propandiol and glycerin, allowing them to achieve the quality you desire in the product.

8. The age of your skin depends on genetics

Genetics obviously play a role, but skin aging is a complex process that is determined by both internal and external factors. So no matter what your siblings look like you can influence what your skin will look like. Protect it from the sun, the environment, stress and smoking. 

If you want your skin to look its best for years to come, we recommend using prípravky Skeeneffectthat provide skin care both inside and out. At our company, we utilize the knowledge and modern science that pertains to skin care. We are thus able to develop products suitable for all skin types, even those with sensitive skin. Simply products that you will want to use as part of your daily skin care routine, while best suiting your specific needs.